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Friday, August 21, 2015

creepy crawling sumner county

So I hit the freeway north with an "escape to funtown mountain" ride in mind but came up on deadstop traffic on i65 just before the Kentucky border so busted a uturn in the grassy median and pushed on into white house tn and then into a decent valley up bugg hollow rd to a turn onto south tunnel rd. The name piqued my interest (thus the reason i turned) so I flagged down a truck and asked the local how to find the tunnel and following his directions (and the ones on the historical marker I spied shortly down the road) I parked el nurple and started hiking up the rails to find the tunnel the confederacy sabotaged to cut supply lines to Nashville once she fell to the union. The tunnel is long and curved so that you can't see the light from the other side at all. Too curious for my own good I hiked into the pitch black looking for the light just to see exactly how long it was; just as I'm beginning to realize I can see a faint glow far off in the distance I also begin to realize I'm hearing a train. I haven't run that fast since my neighborhood blew up last year and never as long or under such treacherous footing but I made it out a little under a minute before the train emerged to find me panting and flattened against the canyon walls. Definitely got my cardio in today. The rest of the ride was pleasingly less interesting than that escapade but I did manage to ride up a random country lane into what I found out later from some old timers at the little country gas station was a failed 7th day adventist farming commune started in 1908. It was an eerie place, a cul de sac with 7-8 abandoned buildings, like a setting from a horror movie. i kept waiting for the little girl with hair all in her face to walk out on the porch. when i got back to the city i hiked out through the woods to the banks of the cumberland over in the west side industrial zone to settle a bet with a 20-something gutterpunk 'bo that the abandoned warehouse i was describing at the bar last night does indeed still stand and he does NOT know those woods inside and out...bitch better have my money. great day for s-plorin'

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


So I wound up heading for the beach; who can stay In a foul mood sitting by the sea, right? Landed at Huntington Beach on the South Carolina coast, former winter home for Archer  Huntington and his wife Anna Hyatt who was ill with consumption. He was said to be generous with his robber baron father's money and spent quite large sums of it on building this giant rendition of a Spanish fortress in the moorish style; designed strictly in his head with only oral instructions given to the workers. He intentionally hired only local workers and took so long to build the house and the enormous sculpture garden across the highway he kept a sizable portion of the locals working all during the depression years. It sat empty for years and took a beating from nature and vandals until finally the land was donated to the state to make a park. Nice campground right on the beach and both were dog friendly so when it showed up on a search for a beach for me and the dog I remembered researching Atalaya after finding it on google satellite searches of the east coast years ago. From the satt pics it looked deserted and in need of some creepy crawling, haha; even though you can't get in at night it's still pretty damn awesome sittin on the veranda, bellyful of rum and listenin to the sea wind moanin through the place while the milky way stretches above you horizon to horizon...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

On the road again

Aimless (and maybe jobless)...I may wake up tomorrow and go to the new river gorge wv or I may go to the south carolina coast; haven't decided yet. Right now the Nooga feels like a pretty good start